Technical Training Sessions
ARDT offers technical (not sales) training on a variety of our products. These training sessions are tailored to the specific audience (installers, engineers, purchasers, operators, etc.). Most sessions take about an hour and are performed on-site as a lunch & learn seminar.
Topics typically include rupture disks, buckling pin valves, valve interlocks, tank conservation vents, and flame / detonation arrestors.

Field Surveys of Existing Equipment
ARDT offers a comprehensive report on the current state of your pressure management systems. We will analyze the survey results to further generate Code compliance reports, purchasing efficiency reports, and product consolidation & standardization reports.
Most frequently requested are rupture disk or explosion vent audits, to establish a baseline for the facility.

Structured Pricing & Managed Inventories
ARDT understands that every business will go through the bottom of a business cycle. We offer our clients the option to manage their pricing through structured agreements. This allows you to more accurately forecast your spend for several years.

Pressure Management Systems Design Consulting
The collective pressure management systems experience of the staff at ARDT is unparalleled in our markets. If you have a difficult application, a question about Code or RAGAGEP compliance, or if you’re interested in standardizing & consolidating your facility’s pressure management devices, call us in for a free consultation.